COVID-19: Community Shout Out from Senator Antonio Hayes

A letter from Senator Antonio Hayes:

Dear Friends,

Below you will find a few important COVID-19 updates and resources. Please share with your networks and be sure to follow me on social media at @antoniohayes40 on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. For more information and resources, please visit my website at

As always, my office is here to help in any way we can, please do not hesitate to reach out. To contact me, please email or leave a voicemail at 410- 841-3656 and someone will return your call as soon as possible.


Senator Antonio Hayes
40th District- Baltimore City

Community Shout Out: Thank you Food Project!
Fred Rogers from PBS show Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, once said “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, ‘Look for the helpers.’ You will always find people who are helping.” And in times like these, we certainly see a great amount of helpers, like The Food Project of Baltimore, providing us with hope and faith while fighting the good fight within the front lines.

The Food Project is an organization serving as a social enterprise that provides job opportunities to young people within the community. Its mission and core value is to build on serving the young people within the community, and in turn, the young people serve the community. These young people within The Food Project are mentored and immersed within the topics such as cooking and nutrition, restaurant development, urban farming, and food production.

In their efforts to help the community during this COVID-19 pandemic, every week they prepare fresh packed meals from about 18,000 lbs of food, varying from fruits, vegetables, proteins, drinks etc. and then sort and deliver to vulnerable individuals and families throughout the community. They are also incorporating a newsletter that will include recipes, online classes, at-home activities, and mental health tips to connect and virtually provide help within the community.

With such tremendous efforts in serving our community, we are certainly grateful for all they have done and are currently doing. And as such, we should strive to emulate such virtues to honor their efforts in fighting the good fight in these challenging times.